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Homeopathy Ke Amrit Bindu Pdf Download


ओपन रिपर्ट्री – मुक्त स्रोत फ़्री होम्योपैथिक सॉफ्टवेयर: ( चित्र को बडॆ आकार मे देखने के लिये चित्र पर किल्क करें )

साभार : ब्लादिमीर पोलोनी

व्लादिमीर पोलोनी द्वारा विकसित और निर्मित ओपेन रिपर्ट्री पहला मुक्त स्त्रोत फ़्री होम्योपैथिक साफ़्ट्वेर है । जावा आधारित इस साफ़्टवेर के कई अलग-२ संस्करण अलग-२ आपरेटिंग सिस्टम के लिये बनाये गये हैं  । एक एडवान्स यूजर के लिये इसमे बहुत कुछ नही है लेकिन होम्योपैथिक कालेज मे बी.एच.एम.एस. के सेंकडं सेमेस्टर के आगे वाले छात्रों के लिये यह उपयोगी सिद्द हो सकता है । इस सॉफ्टवेयर मे पयुक्त सभी रिपर्ट्री ओपन स्त्रोतों से ली गयी हैं ।

Repertories की सूची में शामिल है:

Repertorium Publicum : यह कैंट रिपर्ट्री के  नवीनतम संस्करण पर आधारित है और इसमे काफ़ी बदलाव के संकेत दिखाई दे रहे हैं । पूरी जानकारी के लिये Repertorium Publicum का परियोजना पृष्ठ देखें ।
Short Repertory of Bach Flower Remedies : इसके लेखक ब्लादिमीर पोलोनी हैं और इस रिपर्ट्री को उन्होने  मुक्त स्त्रोत कर दिया है जिसका मतलब है कि इसमे किसी भी तरह का परिवर्तन और संशोधन किया जा सकता है । देखें

Boenninghausen's Repertoryby T.F.Allen  : टी.एफ़. एलेन द्वारा अनुवादित बोनिगहसन की रिपर्ट्री का यह मूल रुप है और  इसमे  बोनिगहसन के द्द्ष्टिकोण को हम साफ़-२ देख सकते हैं जहाँ लक्षणॊं को Locality, Condition, Modality और  Concomitants के घटकों मे बाँटा गया है ।

Sensations as if by Herbert Roberts : दुर्लभ लक्षणॊं  का इसमे  अद्वितीय  समावेश है , ऐसे लक्षण जिसमे रोगी को  एहसास  होता है , "sensation as if " के नाम से इस रिपर्ट्री मे कई लक्षण आजकल की कई  आधुनिक रिपर्ट्रीयों मे भी उपलब्ध नही है ।

Homeopathic Repertory by James Tyler Kent : जेम्स टयलर केन्ट तब भी क्लासिक थे और आज भी हैं , देखा जाये तो आधुनिक रिपर्ट्री मे लक्षणॊं का आधार केन्ट से ही लिया गया है । केन्ट की रिपर्ट्री सबसे पुरानी भी है और सबसे वृहद भी ।

Boger Boenninghausen's Repertory by Cyrus Maxwell

Dunham Notes

General Analysis by Cyrus Maxwell Boger

डाउनलोड लिंक:

उपलब्ध संस्करणों की सूची

OpenRep FREE 1.6 (2008-11-30) MS Windows OpenRep FREE 1,6 (2008-11-30) MS Windows

OpenRep FREE 1.6 (2008-11-30) all operating systems OpenRep FREE 1,6 (2008-11-30) सभी ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम

OpenRep -free open source homeopathic software :

courtesy : Vladimir Polony

OpenRep is the first truly free Open Source homeopathic software, developed by Vladimir Polony with only one goal – to provide functional and portable homeopathic software that could contribute to the whole homeopathic community. The whole design is driven by the functionality and ease of use, always offering the least complicated way of repertorizing and evaluating a homeopathic case. OpenRep is the first homeopathic software developed in Java, making it the most portable homeopathic software that can be run under a wide variety of operating systems.

The source code of OpenRep FREE is freely available for download making in the world's first and only Open Source homeopathic software.

List of Repertories included   :

Open source repertory model
All the repertories used in OpenRep are open source, which means, that their source code is freely available and can be used in other softwares, publications, etc. provided, that the name of the author of the repertory and the repertory name is always visibly declared. The description of the repertory model of the repertories is available here.

Repertorium Publicum
The first open source repertory. It is based on the latest edition of Kent's Homeopathic repertory and has undergone a lot of changes. For more information on the project, please see the Repertorium Publicum project page.

Short Repertory of Bach Flower Remedies by Vladimir Polony
This repertory was donated by its author Vladimir Polony and is declared to be open source. This means that it is open to any changes and modifications. See also

Boenninghausen's Repertory by Timothy Field Allen
This is the original Boenninghausen's repertory composed by Baron Clemens Maria Franz von Boenninghausen and translated by T.F. Allen in 1891, although it is not as complete as Boenninghausen's Repertory from C.M. Boger, it certainly does not lack the originality of approach. In this repertory we can clearly see the original Boenninghausen's approach of dividing symptoms into their components according to Locality, Condition, Modality and Concomitants and repertorizing by putting these symptoms together based on patients symptomatology.

Sensations as if by Herbert Roberts
This is a truly unique repertory containing rare symptoms expressed as Sensations as if. It contains unique symptoms not listed even in the most modern repertories. This repertory is a must for a thorough prescriber.

Homeopathic Repertory by James Tyler Kent
This is a the classic among all the repertories. All the modern repertories have taken to some extent this repertory as their basis. It is the biggest and most complete of the older repertories.

Boenninghausen's Repertory by Cyrus Maxwell Boger
A truly unique repertory that uses the characteristic approach of Boenninghausen. Although this repertory does not contain modern addition, from the point of view of completeness of remedies available in the repertory, it is considered the most complete and homogeneous repertory. The version you can find in OpenRep is the version from 1937 including Dunham's notes.

General Analysis by Cyrus Maxwell Boger
Although small in size, this repertory is considered to be a life-saver when encountering difficult cases. It consists of a small number of very general symptoms with a lot of cross-references that allow to perform a general analysis of a case based on general symptoms and conditions.

Download Links :

List of available versions

OpenRep FREE 1.6 (2008-11-30) MS Windows

OpenRep FREE 1.6 (2008-11-30) all operating systems

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